Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Summer Plans

We have this routine at our house.  It's probably the same routine at your house too.

Mav comes home from work.  Squeaks hears his car because he usually has Zebrahead blaring from his stereo.  She jumps up and opens the door to say, "Hi Daddy!"  Mav gives her a kiss says, "Hi Squeaks!  What did you do today?"  She usually rambles on about her toys, doggies or watching Belle.  Then Mav asks me what we really did today.  Now, as of last week, I would have said homework.  But this week, I have answered, "Nothing!  Not a thing!  And I loved it!"

The first day that I was done with school, Squeaks asked me to help her with her princess puzzle.  She actually didn't ask me in such elegant words; it was, "Mommy!  Sit!  Help!"  Usually, I would tell her no.  But this time, I had tears in my eyes as I laid on the floor with her, working on her puzzles.  I can play with my little girl.  

It has been glorious.  I'm such a better wife.  I'm a happier mommy.  I'm a much better friend.  My house is clean.  I don't mind making dinner.  Mav even commented the other day that I seem really chipper lately. 

So my plans for my summer off?  I have been working on Squeaks' scrapbook.  (No, I'm not an ultra crafty person.  But I don't know what else to do with her 8x10 portraits.  12x12 scrapbook it is!)  I'm working on a quilt for my bro-in-law's wedding gift.  (Maybe I am crafty after all.)  I have a couple of friends who are having babies, I'm making blankets for them too.  (Alright, I am crafty.)  I'm going to read the Hunger Games.  I started training for a 5k.  And Squeaks and I are going to get some awesome flip-flop tan lines.

Basically, I am going to enjoy my time off doing whatever I want to do. 

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